Sunday, December 20, 2015

The one with a visit to Nicole.

Nicole worked down in Lehi one night the week before thanksgiving, and so Luca and I went to visit her.  Sara and the boys were sick, or they would have joined.  We hung out with her for a few hours.  

They had just gotten their christmas tree--but not lit it yet, it was huge.

Luca kept trying to get all the ornaments.

This is the sweater grandpa andres and grandma rosie got at disney world for him.  Its just a little big, but its still warm--and he loves it.

Don't mind the horrible mess in my closet, BUT do notice everything Luca brought in.  While I was getting ready one morning he dragged every little thing from his bed into there, and made a little fort to sit in.

We got some snow boots from a neighbor which Luca insisted on wearing all day long!

I finally got the garage cleaned out--it needs it again--shockingly. 

Luca, Nicole and I went to the pool!!  Luca loves that place.  He did so good just doggy paddling himself around.  Mommy and me classes are hopefully inner future!!  He loves to jump in and put his face under and kick.

Nicole took him down the huge yellow slide a bunch of times, it was quite the workout for her.

We should go to the pool more often, it is literally one of Lucas favorite places.


  1. That is one massive tree! And those tiny boots get me every time

  2. Your garage is beautiful! I love how he had to drag his whole bed into your closet.
