Sunday, December 20, 2015

The one with sticker roads.

Boys, I am telling you.  Luca is so weird.  After being awake for a while, I went to change his diaper, and found it like this--no complaint whatsoever.

Church with a 2 year old.  The only way to get through sacrament meeting with minimal meltdowns.

We went through drive through at wells fargo--the guy remembered us and Lucas yellow preference for suckers.  He didn't have any more yellow ones so we settled for green, Luca loved it anyway.

We got this massive slide on swapping!!  It had "some" marker on it--OR it was covered, but the magic eraser handled all of that--and clorox wipes to the rescue.  Gross animals.

I was making dinner--or doing the dishes, I can't remember but I turned around to Luca saying "mom!! A-den!!" No thanks child.

This costco castle is the hit every time we visit now, I let him play if we have time.

Lining things up is a favorite thing to do now.  Even trash.

The slide is a hit for the winter.

We went to the movies to see "soupy!" which was also a hit!  Cute movie.