Sunday, December 20, 2015

The one with some Thomas fun!

The aquarium is basically where we spend most of our days with Thomas, Luca always yells about the fish and "mamas!" when we pass it, and Thomas does the same.  They love the place, and its easy for kelly and I to enjoy ourselves too. 

This time Luca just got right on the net and crossed all by himself!  I didn't even have to help.

They had all their halloween stuff out, and in a bunch of the cages to see too.

Kelly fed annie while I followed the boys around and traded dimes for pennies for the coin pit thing.  They love to watch them spin and go round and round.  

We had snacks while we were there too, Luca decided to just eat the filling from all the cookies.

They are such good buddies.  Everytime we hang out they are cuter and cuter with each other.

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