Oh man. Those bones jams. I got them all ready, in the light so they would glow and Luca was so excited about them, even when we turned the lights out so he could see them glow.
Then Jose put him down, and he was just crying and crying about the bones. So I went up to change him, and he was seriously hyperventilating about the issue. We probably traumatized the poor kid. While I was changing him I set the jams out in the hall, but he just started at them all worried, so I had to hide them before he calmed down.
Having Nicole around is so helpful in more than a million ways. Before Lucas 2 year appointment we practiced at home with the stethoscope and it ended up being the smoothest appointment to date!! He weighed 25lbs--not the 120 or 80 Jose guessed---men.
We went right over to Saras after the appointment to get all ready to trick or treat at Matts work.
Luca did really well--after I figured out how helpful it would be to cut holes for his poor hands. After that he was a master. Before I cut them he couldn't even hold his bucket or pick candy out.
Then we went back to Saras so she could get her homework done for the audience, and Matt and Luca bonded and played.
Nicole and I took Luca to trick or treat in bountiful on main street too that week--he sat for bit of it, but loved it too!
This shirt finally came!! I was sad about the girly sleeves, but we just wear a jacket now. The saying couldn't be more true.
We went around to trick or treat on halloween and went to see a bunch of our friends from our old ward, I wasn't fast enough for pictures with anyone else. Luca was adorable though, and said trick or treat and thank you, almost every time.
He was in heaven, and everytime there was a sucker visible that is what he chose.
It is unexceptional that you are this behind in blogging