Analia and Blake came over to hang out with us a few days before halloween--Luca made her sit in his tent with him.
He still finds that statue on every map he can find.
And his costume. He modeled it several times before we actually trick or treated. He loved the thing.
Those balloons didn't die for so long, I am actually pretty positive there is one or two upstairs still.
We took Nicole and Cailynn to see the hispanic cultural event at the conference center--however if you ask Nicole, it was just a David Archuletta concert. It was very cool, even luca enjoyed himself.
We finally had a cake to eat for Luca, so he got more candles to blow out. Grandpa and Ana came to eat it with us.
Then we watched Lucas favorite, Baymax. He sat with Grandpa the entire time.
Hahaha I have never seen this cake, you freaking fail. But also good job catching up so he will have these memories one day. I just owed a little coughing. Hold on to that memory too.